Thursday, June 21, 2012

Karen and Kevin - Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition

Last night I had the privilege of attending the Brantford and Area Sports Hall of Recognition Induction ceremony where Kevin Sullivan and Karen Harvey were inducted. Let me tell you...these people are highly respected, not only for their amazing athletic accomplishments but also their incredible, positive influence on those around them. Their acceptance speeches were so heart-felt and meaningful to the many people who attended the ceremony. Thank you, Kevin and Karen for what you've done in the Brant community, which I now call home. And thank you to Josie and Coach Rick Mannen, two other amazing people who've done so much, and continue to do, in the Brant Community.
As for other events, training is great. Coach Rick was at the North Park track with me this week where I did my last workout for the the crazy HEAT! I ran 16 X 400 m repeats at an average of 75.7 per 400 m (60 sec recovery b/w each). I'll take it easy for the next few days in prep for the Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon, Sunday. My goal time...I hope to get under 1:14. Any faster would be great! As for the appeal, again we were denied. But, there is one last and final step we can take, which is the SDRCC - Sport Dispute Resolution Centre for Canada. We've come this far, why not. No regrets! And as a friend said, "Leave no stone unturned"!