I was hoping for a faster time but made a few errors: 1. I didn't drink enough soon enough, which was necessary for the high humidity. 2. I went out too hard in the first half. After chatting with several other elite athletes after the race I realized that they too were a few minutes off their expected times. Live and learn.
The most "interesting" part of the day was the unfortunate loss of fluids I experienced after the race (if you know what I mean)....only to be followed by a mandatory drug test. I finished the race around 10:20 a.m. and wasn't able to provide the required 90 mL of urine until 3:00 p.m. Then, on the ride back to the hotel, all of the excess water came back up again. I was so glad this happened right after my last "try", which got me to the required amount! Wow, what an experience.
Looking (but not feeling) OK! The top fastest 2 groups for both men and women get pacers. The rest of us are on our own.
International Team Challenge. England 1st (what a lovely group of folks). Canada 2nd.
Getting hugs from the boys after the race. Sweet.