March is quite a busy month. Three out of five in our family have birthdays (Jonathan, Seth and Leah) and it's a solid training month for me (with 2 races). I'm consistently getting my mileage up and workouts faster. Here's what I emailed coaches Rick and Nicole this a.m.
So, at 5:45 am I ran to the Gretzky indoor track (3 km warm up to, and 3 km cool down from). Lighting wasn't great at North Park track.
Here's what I did for the 6x1200m (5.5 laps):
4:07, 4:10, 4:08, 4:07, 4:09, 4:06 (I was fairly consistent w/ 45sec/lap, outside 220m lane). It felt good, right, strong, and the appropriate number of sets.
If my math is correct, that's about 3:26/ km. So, a bit faster than 10 km pace...or perhaps a faster 10km is on the way?!!!
Came home and biked 10 min(good for the hamstrings), did core&stretching, drank Emend, had an ice bath!!! and shower, tossed on my Saucony recovery gear, had breakfast w/ the fam, and finally, a well-deserved coffee.
I'll run an easy 18 km Thurs and Fri. Saturday 37 km.
That will be highest yet, 150km/wk. Next week is an easy 100km taper week w/ one speed session early in week. Likely I'll have averaged about 130km/week for March.
Because of March break (no childcare at gym;Maureen and Jeanetta get a well-deserved break), I've been training in the morning, getting up around 5-5:30am. By 9pm, I am beat! If Jonathan has hockey or a meeting at night, I am to bed!
According to the 14-day trend for the weather, the Around the Bay 30 km should be sunny and above zero. Quite sweet for March!