Yep, did it! My highest mileage week. You may be surprised by this but 135 km (not miles!) is in fact the most I've run in one week, ever. It included a 36 km long run, and felt GREAT! This is definitely the best baby-come-back yet! And it's only the beginning!
I've succeeded in the past w/ low mileage and high quality workouts but knew my body was ready to ramp it up without compromising the workouts. The goal is to keep quality and quantity higher than ever as I start "real" training Jan 1/12. I'm still cross-training consistently; it really helps keep the little nagging twinges away as well as keep other parts strong. Particularly I'm feeling a stronger core than ever.
Speed will be the focus over the next few weeks as I prepare for the Jan 1st 10 km race in Brantford. See Cory Currie, another Brantford runner who is also promoting the new Brantford running series, has graciously agreed to pace me! Today I was quite pleased to finish a 20 x 400 m workout (each 400 m at 10 km race pace w/ 30 second recovery between each). I'll have to watch the turkey and baked goods consumption during the week of Christmas, before the race. Can't let all this hard work be wasted!