Seth can write his name!
The rain has helped our garden grow!
A snuggle with daddy after her bath.
Aunt Joyce and Uncle Glen visit.
Jan. Houston Half Marathon 1:14:26 1st Canadian/17th Overall
Feb. Vancouver First Half Marathon, 1:16:20, 2nd Woman
Mar. Chilly Half Marathon Burlington, 1:16:35, 2nd Woman
Apr. Around the Bay 30 km, 1:47:47, 2nd Woman
Apr. Scotiabank Montreal Half Marathon, 1:12:30, 1st Woman
May Calgary/CDN Champs Half Marathon, 1:16:35, 2nd Woman.
June Toronto Waterfront 10 km, 33:50, 1st Woman.
August Olympic Games Marathon, 2:35:29, 35th Woman.
September Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon/CDN Champs, 2:33:59, 5th Woman/1st Canadian.
Robbie Burns 8 km 27:48 Second Woman.
Chilly Half Marathon 74:01 First Woman.
Rotterdam Marathon 2:29:38 Third Woman.
Ottawa 10 km 35:29 13th Woman.
Fergus Highland Games 10 km 36:11 First Woman.
Tannenbaum 10 km 35:57 First Woman.
Hamilton Boxing Day 10 miler 58:29 Second Woman.
Athletics Ontario 3,000 m, 2nd Woman.
Waterloo Re-Fridgee-Eighter 8 miles, 1st Woman.
New York City Half Marathon, 12th Woman.
Around the Bay 30 km, 1st Woman.
Harry's Spring Run Off 8 km, 1st Woman.
Yonge St. 10 km, 2nd Woman.
Montreal Half Marathon CDN Champs, 3rd Woman.
Around the Bay 30 km
2nd Woman.
Harry's Spring Run Off 8 km
1st Woman.
Montreal Half Marathon, Cdn Champs 1st Woman.
Ottawa 10 km 7th Woman.
Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon 1st Woman.
July. Downtown Dash 5 km, 1st Woman.
August. IAAF World Championships Marathon, DNF.
September. Oasis Zoo Run/10 km Cdn Road Champs, 2nd Woman.
October. Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, 4th Woman & 2nd Canadian Woman.
Oct. Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, 4th Overall Woman and 1st Canadian Woman.
Sept. Oasis Zoo Run/10 km Cdn Champs, 5th Woman.
Sept. Rock n' Roll Virginia Beach Half Marathon, 4th Woman.
Aug. London Rock the Road 10 km, 1st Woman.
July. Burlington Downtown Dash 5km, 1st Woman.
June. Scotiabank Vancouver Half Marathon, 1st Woman.
June. Ancaster Old Mill 10 km, 1st Woman.
May. Ottawa 10 km, 7th Woman.
Apr. Rotterdam Marathon, 7th Woman.
Mar. Around the Bay 30 km, 1st Woman.
Mar. Chilly Half Marathon, 1st Woman.
Jan. Brantford New Year's 10 km, 1st Woman.
Jan. Robbie Burns 8 km, 1st Woman.
Nov. Casablanca 8 km, 2nd Woman.
Oct. Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Half Marathon, 4th Woman.
Oct. Run for the Toad 25 km, 2nd Woman.
Aug. Rock the Road 10 km, 5th Woman.
May. Alvinston to Watford 16 km, 1st Woman.
May. Brantford Classic 10 km, 1st Woman.
Personal Bests
Marathon 2:28:32 October 2013. 2nd Fastest Canadian!
Half Marathon 70:52 June 2013.
30 km 1:47:03 Mar 2012.
10 mile 57:30 Dec 2014.
10 km 32:52 May 2013.
8 km 26:59 Apr 2013
5 km 15:58 July 2013.